
Canine Behavior Connection is committed to helping all beings thrive. Our variety of services will help you and your dog grow together as a team and overcome whatever challenges you’re currently facing.

Check out all of your choices below, then fill out an intake form or email Kara to get started!

Private Training

Puppy Right Start

Board and Train

Day Training

  • Private Training

    In-Person or Remote

    Sessions typically last about 60 minutes and occur in your home--or another location where we can work on your challenges in the authentic context where they occur.

    You know you want to change your dog’s behavior in the kindest way possible--but maybe you’re afraid that you’ll have to be harsh to get the results you need. Never fear--modern behavior change places the dog’s and owner’s wellbeing at the forefront of treatment considerations. We work as a team to build the dog’s desirable behaviors to replace the unwanted ones, all without hurting or causing fear in your dog.

    I see a wide variety of clients: I’ve worked with dogs from every breed group (herding, terriers, working, sporting, non-sporting and toy); my largest canine clients approach 200 lbs, and the smallest are under 5 lbs. Around two-thirds of my clientele are rescue dogs, many of whom are in their third or fourth home due to previous failed placements.

    I see dogs for basic manners, potty training, leash reactivity, anxiety, and aggression.

    Private training is $155 for in-home sessions.

  • Puppy Right Start

    Getting a new furry bundle of joy is a highlight in many people’s lives...and it can be an overwhelming experience! Between potty training, socialization, basic manners, teething, and more, it’s easy to feel in over your head!

    I can help! I welcome baby puppies (8-20 weeks old) into my home and raise them with protocols derived from those I used when raising guide/service dog puppies. Your puppy will learn--through play and rewards--to love being handled so they will be on the right track toward being a “perfect patient” at the vet and groomer’s. Puppies also interact daily with a variety of friendly, healthy (and fully vaccinated) adult dogs to learn how to appropriately interact with their own species. They also begin potty training, and learning basic skills such as how to pay attention to their handler in the presence of tempting distractions. Just like in guide & service dog programs, the #1 focus of Puppy Right Start is socialization to people, dogs, and the world.

    You’ve probably heard about the “critical socialization period” during puppies’ first three months, when they’re extra impressionable and developing lifelong understandings about the world. This is a time of great opportunity that we can never get back--NOW is the time to expose them to the various sights and sounds we will want them to accept as adults (worried because puppy isn’t yet fully vaccinated? Read this position statement from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior about how it IS ok--and essential--to expose your puppy to the world before they complete all their shots). Through multiple weekly field trips to safe locations, your puppy will gain confidence in navigating the world.

    Puppy Right Start is $180/night

  • Board & Train

    Do you want to give your dog a big jump start on learning skills and practicing them with a professional? Perhaps you’re going out of town and would like to use that opportunity for your dog to go to “camp” to gain new skills during your absence, rather than practicing undesirable behaviors in a traditional boarding kennel. Board & Train (B&T) might be right for you!

    Board & Train stays are fully customizable--from a few days, to weeks or longer, your dog will be a VIP guest in my home. I only take one Board & Train dog at a time so I can ensure your dog receives my utmost attention.

    During your dog’s stay, you will be kept updated on their progress via a digital communication board where I post daily updates, including pictures and videos of your dog’s training.

    Note: During daily “naptime” and overnight, B&T dogs will stay in kennels (minimum size 4’x4’, with lots of comfy blankets and toys!) in my climate-controlled basement. Therefore B&T is not a good match for dogs who have moderate to severe separation anxiety who may be distressed by such arrangements.

    Board & Train is $180 per night.

  • Day Training

    Sometimes, having a professional “jump start” the training process can help when your dog’s issues are particularly intense, or when you’re short on time to put in the practice that training requires.

    Day Training sessions are 45 minutes long, where Kara will work directly with your dog on their specific challenges. These sessions are always conducted in addition to regular Private Behavior Consulting sessions, as teaching skills to “both ends of the leash” is essential to see progress.

    Day Training is $110 per session.